
Do you desire the perfect cleavage?

FACT: It is the biggest give away to a woman’s age- a less than smooth décolletage. Too much sun exposure, not enough SPF, and the the combined effects of sun exposure and perfumes can change a soft lilly white cleavage into the appearances of a wrinkled prune or leather bag. There is no reason why any woman has to put up with a crinkly, wrinkly and sun damaged chest any longer. Pigmentation and sun damage on the chest can be treated with Alexandrite laser and IPL devices. Laser banishes pigmentation and sun spots while helping to stimulate collagen production at the same time. Here is a typical case.

Before treatment. The case demonstrated below is an example of typical sun exposed décolletage.

Pigmentation Skin Treatment in Dublin

After patch test

Pigmentation Treatment

After treatment image will be posted shortly

What happens during laser treatment for pigmentation.

During your first appointment your medical history is take to ensure that there are no reasons why you shouldn’t have laser treatment. Prior to your treatment, you will be asked to sign a consent form indicating that you have understood the procedure, the possible risks and benefits of the treatment and the aftercare recommendation. Photographs of the area intended for treatment are also taken by your laser practitioner, for the purpose of “before and after” comparison.

A test patch is mandatory to ensure your suitablility for treatment and that you are not at risk of developing delayed complications. Test patching is critical for treatments on the décolletage for the following reasons:

The skin on the chest is more delicate than the skin on your face and is at an increased risk for scarring. Possible side effects of laser and IPL treatments on the chest or décolletage include hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation and scarring. Test patching will limit the extent of any adverse events.

Patch testing can also act as a predictor as to how succesful laser treatment will be at the settings chosen. In order to be effective the patch tested area should darken in colour temporarily for a few days. After this the darkened areas should flake off leaving an area free of pigmentation. This is a good indicator as to treatment success.

1 week after chest laser treatment. The freckles, brown spots and sun damage have darkened and are about to flake off

2 weeks after treatment. The pigmentation, freckles and brown spots have been removed with the Alexandrite laser treatment.


Before and after photos of Alexandrite laser treatment for chest pigmentation (demonstrated above). Photographs demonstrate an improvement but a second treatment is usually necessary to maximise the results. In order to maintain these fantastic results after your laser treatment daily application of sunscreen even on overcast days is vital. Do not neglect your décolletage, in the same way you moisturise your face your cleavage should receive the same care and attention. Medical Skincare products with active ingredients will reverse the ageing process. At CosmeticDoctor, we love the Obagi Elastiderm Décolletage System contains a skin lightening cream and a wrinkle reducing lotion.

So there you have it, there is no need to worry about your décolletage letting your secret out. An aged décolletage is a thing of the past!

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