We all want to look our very best at Christmas time for those festive parties and glitzy events that we all enjoy getting dressed up for. However, at this time of year the cold, windy weather, central heating and party living all contributes to and exacerbates existing skin conditions such as skin dryness, dullness, lines, wrinkles, open pores, acne, oily and rough textured skin, leaving us feeling less than glamourous for the festive season.
At Cosmetic Doctor. IE, Dr Lisa Fay offers a variety of signature facials to revitalise, renew and rejuvenate the skin so that you can really sparkle this Christmas. A medical grade peel or facial is an investment in your skin and is far more effective than a facial using standard cosmetic creams or oils. Obagi skin products should only be prescribed by medical professionals and were developed by Dr. Zein Obagi, a leading dermatologist, to treat a wide range of skin concerns.
This Christmas Dr Fay is offering a range of signature facials at special prices so that you can take the first step to beautiful skin. Following a consultation with one of the therapists you will be prescribed one of the facials or peels that best suit your skin concerns.
They include:
The Hollywood Facial (or Lunchtime Peel)
This new addition to the range of ZO peels is the perfect peel for those that do not wish to have any downtime and are looking for a quick fix to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin for that special event.
Christmas offer €100 per treatment or €300 for a course of 4 treatments
Number of treatments recommended: 4 times, e very 2-4 weeks
Treatment time: 30 minutes
Light Peels
A range of peels with minimal downtime that will treat a variety of conditions from dry and lined skin, acne prone skin with blocked pores and black and white heads and hyper- pigmented skin.
Christmas offer €120 per treatment or €360 for a course of 4 treatments
Number of treatments recommended: 4 times every 2-4 weeks
Treatment time: 30-45 minutes
ZO Medical 3-step light to medium peel
Recommended after using ZO Medical skincare products for 4-6 weeks. This peel improves fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, uneven pigmentation and sun damage. This is a professional strength formulation, ideal for acne, melasma, sun damage, fine lines, pores and skin roughness. Please be aware this peel has approximately 5 days downtime where your skin will peel to reveal more healthy and revitalized skin. Therefore it is recommended to undergo this particular treatment up to a week prior to a special event or party.
Christmas offer €200 per treatment or €600 for a course of 4 treatments
Number of treatments recommended: 3 times every 3-4 weeks then one every 4 months
Treatment time : 30 minutes
Speak to one of our team here at Cosmetic Doctor.IE and we will be happy to explain more about our signature facials to help you discover which one is most suitable for you.