
The Effects of Ageing on Skin

Ageing is inevitable, and understanding what causes the appearance of skin ageing allows patients to take steps to address issues with non-surgical treatments at Cosmetic Doctor in Dublin.

As we get older, the hyaluronic acid content in the skin decreases, reducing its capacity to stay moist and supple.

Hyaluronic acid allows cells to hold moisture, keeping skin plump and dewy-but with age skin dries out, becoming more wrinkle-prone and losing volume.

Oil-producing glands reduce their activity and the skin becomes even drier, and to add to this, skin also starts losing its fat, thus looking less youthful and smooth.

Skin at Different Ages

At 25 – Visible ageing of the skin starts and the skin begins to replace old cells more slowly.

Our skin cell turnover begins to slow down, leaving dull, matt dead cells sitting on the surface.

Depending on lifestyle, the effects of sun damage also become far more noticeable.

At 30 – More fine lines develop as collagen and elastin break down and the delicate skin under both the eyes begins to thin.

Dynamic wrinkles are evident, which happen whenever we make a facial expression like frowning or smiling.

Repeated creasing of the skin in these areas leads to longer-term or ‘static’ wrinkles, as the creases stay even when we’re not frowning.

At 40 – Deeper lines begin to form around the mouth and eyes.

Furrows appear on the forehead and circles under the eyes may grow into pouches. Skin becomes noticeably drier and static wrinkles deepen.

We also experience loss of facial volume, as cheeks start to sag.

At 45+ – Skin becomes thinner, partly because of hormonal changes, thus losing much of its strength and elasticity.

Lifestyle choices such as smoking and sun exposure are really evident now as skin is unforgiving and lacks the elasticity and hydration it once had.

At 50+ – Unless preventative or corrective measures are taken, skin looks old, dull, tired, thin; often pigmented and wrinkled.

If you would like to minimise the appearance of ageing on your face, book a consultation at Cosmetic Doctor Dublin, where Dr. Lisa Fay can perform a thorough assessment of your skin type and issues to discover what you can do to look more youthful.

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