
No-Knife Nose Job with Dermal Fillers

Lots of people are unhappy with the shape of their nose, but few would dream of going to the lengths of having rhinoplasty (nose surgery) to correct it.

You can now straighten out a bumpy nose and improve your profile without going under the knife, by using dermal filler strategically injected into the nose to engineer a straighter line from base to tip.

Using dermal filler to alter the nose shape from base to tip

Dr. Lisa Fay offers this treatment as Cosmetic Doctor in Dublin, and uses careful placement of dermal filler to alter the appearance of the nose by filing out the lumps and bumps along its length for a more even look.

Rhinoplasty is expensive and often involves breaking and resetting the nose; a lot of expense; major bruising and lots of time off work. For anyone eager to avoid the knife, taking the route of injectable dermal filler may be the solution.

Nose shaping using fillers is a five-minute procedure and you can get results instantly; fillers can be used to treat a dorsal bump on the nose, to straighten the nose, build up a flat nose, for nasal shaping and for uneven noses post injury.

Male clients may benefit from the procedure post-injury, and this ‘non-surgical rhinoplasty’ is becoming increasingly popular.

Are you a candidate for no knife nose reshaping?

The ideal candidate for this non-surgical procedure is somebody who has a small bump on the nose, or slight unevenness.

Dr. Fay will assess every patient at consultation, and will tell you if you are not suitable for the treatment. For some patients, only rhinoplasty can solve their problem; but for those with more minor complaints, fillers are a great alternative.

For more information call Cosmetic Doctor on 01 685 3100 or visit www.cosmeticdoctor.ie/anti-wrinkle-injections/nose-correction

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