Dermal filler does exactly what it sounds like it might do; it fills the dermis to compensate where needed, to help minimise facial aging.
Dermal fillers are one of the most popular ways to reverse the signs of aging. They are the ideal way to restore a youthful appearance non-surgically, and give a more natural look, without any of the downtime associated with surgery.
Turning Back Time
The goal when using an anti-aging product is to restore the structure of the face to its more youthful state. This means reversing the signs of the toll gravity has taken upon the skin, and reinforcing the underlying structure to help restore lost volume.
Dermal fillers are very useful in eradicating wrinkles, enhancing certain areas of the face such as cheeks or lips, and subtly replacing soft-tissue volume loss in the face.
As the years go by the dermis begins to lose the elements that it had in its youth; elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.
Elastin is what makes our skin flexible, allowing it to stay firm and resist wrinkles. As it starts to lessen, our skin becomes less firm.
Collagen is the primary support protein for the skin, acting like a mesh net under the surface. As we get older, collagen production slows down, and skin is left without its string support system, allowing it to sag and collapse into wrinkles.
Hyaluronic Acid is a humectant, helping to trap water in the skin to add volume, plumpness and firmness.
Dermal Fillers Mimic Skin
Dermal fillers are formulated to mimic the effects of our natural skin, to combat the changes aging brings about. There are many different types available, and Dr. Fay at Cosmetic Doctor in Slievemore Clinic will choose the most appropriate filler, or combination of fillers, for the specific areas you’re concerned about.
Different fillers have different components, depending on the job they’re required to do. Fillers like Juvederm, Perlane and Restylane are softer fillers, made of hyaluronic acid, very malleable and often used to fill in wrinkles.
Radiesse is made of calcium hydroxyl microspheres, and is a firmer filler type, often used to enhance areas like the cheeks or chin and moulded aesthetically into place.
The clever formulation of modern fillers, combined with artful placement, mean you can subtly achieve a natural, more youthful look without invasive surgery.
Call Cosmetic Doctor at 01 685 3100 to book an appointment.