
Facts about Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal remains one of the most popular aesthetic treatments with almost 1 million treatments performed in the USA in 2011.

I am sure you have all been tempted by magazine and billboard advertisements by laser clinics and beauty salons extolling the virtues of laser hair removal. “Hair today, gone tomorrow”, “Be hair free for the Summer” and “Get silky smooth legs” all sound very enticing but here are the facts.
Many laser clinics advertise that laser hair removal is permanent. This is simply not true. The bottom line is that there is no device currently available on the market which can guarantee permanent hair removal in every person 100% of the time. The truth is that laser offers permanent hair reduction.

There is never permanent hair loss in every patient for every hair but laser treatments can guarantee a 80-90 % reduction in hair growth after a course of 6-8 sessions.

There may be some hair regrowth over 1-3 years which is usually much finer and lighter in texture . This hair can be treated with “touch-up” treatments every year or so.

At cosmeticdoctor we use Apogee Elite which has two treatment modalities which means that we can treat all skin types including Asian skin types effectively and safely. Alexandrite laser works well on skin types 1-3, and Nd: Yag wavelength being the treatment of choice in darker skin types i.e. 4-6.

Laser hair removal is a fantastic treatment and has made life much easier for us all, particularly us girls. However do not be swayed by empty promises. Your chances of being hair free are greatly improved with higher powered medical grade lasers. Do your research and attend a clinic which tells you the truth, offers a professional service and performs effective treatments with medical grade lasers.

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