
Great Legs with Laser Hair Removal

With summer fast approaching most women start thinking of removing unwanted hair. For a lot of women out there they turn to laser hair removal for long term results – but what about if you have dark skin?  You may have been told by laser therapists in the past that you are not suitable for laser hair removal. Here at Slievemore clinic we can offer individuals of all skin types laser hair removal treatments safely.

Why am I unsuitable?

If you have dark skin, you have more melanin in your skin. Melanin is what gives your skin colour, melanocytes (where melanin is made) are located in the upper layers of the skin. This means if we use an Alexandrite or IPL laser on your skin, the laser will target the pigment in the hair follicle and also the melanin in your skin! As a consequence if you use standard lasers for hair removal you are at increased risk of burning which can lead to either hyperpigmentation (where the treated area becomes darker in colour) or hypopigmentation (where the treated area becomes lighter in colour). These side effects are rare but if an inappropriate laser is used to treat your skin type or a laser is used at an inappropriate setting, the truth is that these side effects can occur and can be permanent.

What are my options?

We have a medical grade apogee laser here at the Slievemore clinic which contains two different laser wavelengths. The Alexandrite laser which has a wavelength of 755 mm is ideal for patients with light to medium skin types. If you have dark skin and therefore skin that has more melanin an Nd: Yag laser is a completely safe and effective treatment option for laser hair removal. In addition it is just as efficient  for long term hair removal.

How many treatments will I need?

It may take slightly longer to target all of the hairs, so on average client’s using the Nd: Yag laser may require one or two extra sessions, other than that the procedure is the same.

We will need you to attend for a laser hair patch test to test your suitability. After that you can enjoy being hair free for the summer! Call 01 685 3100 to book your patch test.

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