
For silky smooth hair free skin forget epilators, waxing, and shaving…

Laser provides the ideal solution for unwanted hair. It can banish unwanted stubble and fuzz over a few months. The number of treatments required vary between six and eight depending on the area. Occasionally top up sessions may be required.

What is the difference between laser and IPL hair removal?

Lasers and IPL devices use light energy to target the hair follicle. It is well documented that laser devices are more effective than IPL in treating unwanted hair.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser light targets the pigment i.e melanin in the hair. This is why laser does not work on blonde or white hair. The laser light travels down the hair shaft and damages the hair follicle to retard hair growth. Hair grows in cycles and laser targets the hair in the growth phase only. It is advisable to shave the area prior to treatment so that the laser targets the hair follicle without damaging your skin.

Which laser devices are most effective?

Cynosure’s Elite Laser is one of the the most effective laser hair removal system available today.The cynosure apogee has two wavelengths which makes it suitable for light and dark skin types. This device is one of the most effective, safest and fastest lasers for hair removal. In addition this laser integrates a cooling system to minimise discomfort during your treatment.

Top tip : It is important to go to someone skilled in the use of laser devices, as lasers in the hands of inexperienced individuals may cause scarring or hyperpigmentation. Check what level of training your laser therapist has received during your consultation.

You need to start treatments now to have your pins sleek and stubble free for the impending Summer reveal.

At cosmeticdoctor, Slievemore clinic we utilise the best medical grade lasers for hair removal to best treat your concern and give you the best options available.

Laser Hair Removal in Dublin – Phone 01 685 3100

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