
The Comprehensive Guide to Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the best way to address unwanted hair on a long-term basis. Longer-lasting and more effective than any other method, using laser will target the follicle where the hairs are created, literally tackling the root of the problem.

Hair is targeted in its growth stage, and therefore its regrowth is severely affected. It grows back slower, very pale, and very fine-and in some cases may not grow back at all.

Who is a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Anyone with unwanted hair benefits from Laser Hair Removal, and most clients seek hair removal for one of, or a combination of, the following reasons:

  • Those who seek the removal of hair due to an underlying medical condition, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which causes hirsuitism or excess hair growth in women, especially on the face and arms.
  • Those who suffer from excess hair growth as often found in people with quite dark hair. Many women who have beautiful dark glossy locks may suffer from unwanted hair appearing on their upper lip, or find that the hair on their forearms looks unsightly or thick, due to its very dark colour.
  • Those who remove hair regularly as part of their normal grooming routine, be it for hygiene in the bikini/ underarm area, or to achieve a smooth silky look on the legs.
  • Men who have excess chest hair can avail of laser hair removal, and those who suffer from back hair can find a more permanent solution in laser treatment as a longer-term option to continuous painful waxing.

For patients with an underlying medical condition, Dr. Lisa Faye of the Cosmetic Doctor at Slievemore Clinic will correctly diagnose and treat the hormonal condition, and will then address the unwanted hair with laser hair removal.

A combination of the correct medical treatment and the effective use of regular laser hair removal will control the growth and appearance of unwanted hair, which can be particularly distressing to women suffering from hormonal conditions.

Laser Hair Removal for All Skin Tones

Laser hair removal has become very effective in the past ten years. Traditionally, the ideal candidate was someone with dark hair on paler skin, but now Cosmetic Doctor provide other types of lasers to successfully use on many different skin types and hair colours.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

The laser emits a very light at a specific wavelength designed to target the melanin, or pigment, in the hair and the growth centre in the follicle (the hair bulb).

Melanin is what gives colour to our skin and our hair, and it is what absorbs the laser light, which passes harmlessly through the surrounding skin. For this reason, it is best not to tan before any laser procedure, as too much similarity between the skin colour and the hair colour confuses the laser.

For people with darker skin tones, different types of laser and different light wavelengths are use; safer on darker skin so the light won’t burn the skin.

Why do I need a series of treatments?

At any given time, a certain percentage of hairs are in the “resting” phase, rather than a growth phase. The laser will not be effective on those resting hairs, so a number of treatments are needed to get the best results.

More treatments can be done as soon as further hair growth appears. Due to the variation in the number of hairs in the resting phase, certain parts of the body will respond more rapidly whereas others might take much longer to show effects. For example, the face usually responds more slowly than the bikini line.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

It’s mildly uncomfortable, as it feels like a hot snap each time the laser is fired. You can discuss pain relief with the staff at Cosmetic Doctor at Slievemore Clinic before your treatment; some people take a paracetamol or request a topical numbing cream but most patients tolerate the treatment well.

How many treatments will I need?

After an initial three- to- seven treatments, most men and women report that their expectations have been met and the hair growth pattern is much, much less. In some areas, in addition to the decrease in the number of hairs, the hairs become very fine and light in colour, and for some people it may be the case that hair may not grow back.

Most clients will require a touch-up service a couple of times a year to maintain the improvement, and those suffering from hormonal imbalances like polycystic ovary syndrome will probably require more regular treatments.

How Do I Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

Cosmetic Doctor Staff at Slievemore Clinic will give you a comprehensive guide to the do’s and don’ts before your series of treatments. The general guidelines are as follows:

  1. Do not tan. Tanning of any type, either real, sunbed, or fake self-tanners greatly affect the laser and put you at risk of blistering.
  2. No plucking, electrolysis, bleaching or depilatories should be performed at least two weeks prior to treatment. A short stubble should be present, in its natural colour, for effective treatment.
  3. No make-up, perfumes, creams etc. should be present on the skin prior to your treatment.
  4. Tell the staff about any medications, especially antibiotics, that you are taking prior to your treatment.

For a list of Laser Hair Removal Prices or monthly special offers please phone 01 685 3100.

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