
What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel uses an acid that dissolves the fatty bonds that hold skin cells together. There are light depth peels like glycolic which is a fruit acid, and there are medium depth peels like TCA tricloracetic acid.

Do they cause your skin to peel?

No they do not, they dissolve fatty bonds that hold dead skin cells together and cause an exfoliation of those dead skin cells. TCA peels will result in some peeling usually 2-4 days after the peel is performed.

Are they painful?

No they are not, you may find your skin tingles a little or may feel itchy, but we give you a fan to make the peel very comfortable.

Do they take long?

No, it takes between 3- 10 minutes to perform a peel.

How long should I leave between peels or other treatments?

You should leave 10 days to 2 weeks between peels.

I use retin A can I have a peel?

Please do not use any topical retinoids e.g. Retin A or Tretinoin for one week before a glycolic peel/blue peel radiance and do not use Retin A based products for 2 weeks before a TCA peel. This includes any topical retinoid either in day to day products or retinoids prescribed by your doctor.

I’m taking medication?

At Cosmeticdoctor we take a thorough medical history prior to your peel. This is to establish your suitability prior to treatment and to outrule any contra-indications to treatment. If you have previously taken Roaccutane, chemical peels are not recommended for at least 1 year afterwards.

Can I have laser treatment after my peel?

You must wait 2 weeks between a glycolic peel and any other facial treatment.

Where can I treat?

Peels can be performed on the face, neck, chest, back and upper arms and hands.

How many peels should I have?

It is recommended you have a course of 4 glycolic peels, or 2/3 TCA peels but this depends on the problem i.e. pigmentation, acne or rejuvenation. To maintain a fresh glowing complexion a chemical peel every few months is recommended.

Will there be any downtime?

There is very little downtime after a glycolic peel or Obagi Blue peel radiance? You may feel your skin more sensitive for 48 hours and your skin feels like you have minor sunburn, but people usually return to normal activities very soon. For TCA peel there is some downtime as your skin will peel and flake off 4 days after the peel and it can be red, but usually it is minimal and resolves very quickly.

Are there any side effects?

When any chemical peel is performed there is always a risk of side effects, there is a risk of a cold sore breakout or a spot breakout and there are more serious side effects, but when performed by properly trained medical practitioners they are safe and effective. If you are particularly prone to cold sores you may be advised to take Zovirax anti-viral medication as a precaution.

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