
There’s no doubt more of your body will be on show during the summer, be it poolside or at the beach.

Even if we get a dreadful Irish sun-less few months, you’ll still wear Capri pants and short sleeves; and now is the time to plan your ‘deforestation’ techniques.

Best Option for Hair Removal

You have several options when it comes to getting rid of unwanted hair on the face or body; shaving and waxing included, but both methods frequently cause issues with ingrown hairs; particularly in areas of delicate skin like the bikini line or underarm area.

Follicles are prone to irritation when you wax or shave; add to that heat and friction and you could be dealing with irritated skin.

Laser Helps Avoid Ingrown Hairs

Laser hair removal is the neat way to go; though it takes several sessions to complete; it’s well worth it and you’ll be smooth and silky all summer long-and into next winter too.

As you need to be careful with laser treated skin in the sun, now really is the time to organise your course of sessions before you jet off on your holidays.

Cosmetic Doctor use top-grade medical lasers and can effectively treat a number of different kin types, from pale to dark. The Clinic is running a special promotion on laser hair removal at the moment to accommodate clients who wish to have several areas treated prior to summer.

Laser Hair Removal Not Suitable for all Hair Colours

Laser Hair Removal is a wonderful way to get rid of hair long -term, but it is not recommended for some hair colours.

Cosmetic Doctor are very candid in their approach and will be the first to explain to you why laser hair removal is relatively ineffectual on grey, blonde or red hair, as there isn’t enough pigment in the hair to attract the laser, will suggest other options for you.

Laser Hair Removal IS Suitable for most Skin Types

There are a range of lasers available at Cosmetic Doctor so that different skin types and colours can be effectively treated, by utilising different wavelengths and different types of devices.

Clear Up Body Breakouts

Spots, bumps and blemishes are no more welcome on your body than on your face, so take care of unsightly bits by using one of Cosmetic Doctor’s superb body products.

They will advise you on selecting the correct one for your skin to ensure you can exfoliate your body properly; treat any breakouts on the back, chest or anywhere else, and generally ensure your body is looking its very best.

Heat and perspiration don’t do breakouts or sensitive skin any favours so ensure you’re using the right body moisturisers for you, and make sure to protect areas of skin that haven’t seen the sun in a long time.

If you have severe body acne, Dr. Fay can help you eradicate it before you have to bare all on holiday. Simply call 01 685 3100 and book an appointment at Cosmetic Doctor at the Slievemore Clinic in Stillorgan.

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