

Gone are the days when you needed surgery to lift your eyebrows for a fresher, more alert look. These days, both anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers such as Juvéderm and Restylane ranges may be used, with highly effective results.


Anti-Wrinkle Injections are used to improve the overall shape of your eyebrow. By generating a very subtle change (as little as a few millimetres), a noticeable, natural improvement to your appearance can be made.

Procedure time
15 mins
Back to normal
Recovery time
24 hrs
Duration of results
3-4 months
Discomfort level
No. of treatments
Cost from

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A chemical brow-lift with Muscle Relaxers

Women, who tend to have ‘flat’ or ‘horizontal’ eyebrows, often ask for a more feminine, arched brow than they’ve been able to achieve with just tweezing and make-up.

Men, on the other hand, usually have more horizontal eyebrows than women. If their eyebrows are ‘low-set’ (again, by as little as a few millimetres), they can suffer from giving the outward impression of being very serious – or even cross. A simple ‘lift’ helps to soften the effect for an instantly more cheerful expression.

Is it possible to combine anti-wrinkle injections with dermal fillers in this area?

It is also possible to lift the outer part of your eyebrow, to create a more youthful expression. Precise placement of dermal fillers in a depleted temple region and under the brow, can provide support and therefore lift to a heavy brow.

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