Remove unwanted hair with advanced laser technology.
Remove unwanted hair with advanced laser technology.
Our experienced and qualified staff tailor your hair removal packages to suit your needs. Hair Removal is a safe and effective way of removing unwanted hair, permanently.
Cosmetic Doctor, Dublin is staffed by skilled clinical professionals who have the training and experience to ensure all our patients receive safe, highly effective treatment. We have the technology to treat all skin types both using medical grade technology
Lasers work by producing pulsed light that is absorbed by the melanin, or colour, in a strand of hair. The laser heats the hair follicle destroying the hair at its root, without damaging any of the surrounding skin.
Laser hair removal treatment is best described as “the sensation of an elastic band ” being flicked against your skin. Pain thresholds can vary from person to person but generally the treatment is very well tolerated. As a rule of thumb if you have very thick hair you tend to experience more discomfort.
However, the majority of patients tolerate laser hair removal very well. The Zimmer cooling system which is used in conjunction with our lasers during each treatment session means that the treatment is very well tolerated.
The difference between lasers and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for the treatment of unwanted hairs is that laser is the gold standard for hair removal. (IPL is better suited to the treatment of pigmentation). At our laser clinic, our laser hair removal system or equipment is the Cynosure Elite laser device.
Everyone. Because we have two different devices for laser hair removal, this means that we can treat a variety of skin tones.
Laser hair removal is safe enough to be used on the face, back, underarms, bikini line, legs and arms.
The most common laser hair treatments are as follows:
Usually between six to eight treatment sessions spaced between four to eight weeks apart are required. Results may be seen sooner but a full package is recommended for permanent results. Some re-growth may occur which can be treated with periodic “touch-up” visits.
Your skin may appear red and feel hot. This is perfectly normal. There may be slight swelling around hair follicle. Hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation may occur albeit rare. Delayed shedding may occur where your hair can take 2 weeks to fall out and during that time can appear to look as if it is growing. This is temporary and the hair will fall out after approximately 2 weeks.
Most people describe laser hair removal like a “light rubber band snap”.
Laser hair removal is quick, safe and effective. It is important to attend a medical professional and competent practitioner. Your practitioner will discuss potential risks with you at your initial consultation. Laser hair removal side effects are rare if you have a patch test prior to your treatment and adhere to the pre procedure and post procedure advice given.
So happy with the results of my treatment. I had looked into every single clinic in Dublin that could provide a non-surgical rhinoplasty and I’m so glad I came across Dr Lisa Fay and put my trust on her to get this done. She was great and addressed my expectations from the beginning, talked me through the procedure very professionally and everything went accordingly. I would definitely recommend Dr Lisa to anyone who wants to get this done. Massive confidence boost! Thanks!
- Carol, GoogleAs a hairdresser, I work in an image-focused profession and am looking at myself in a mirror all day long. Despite a healthy lifestyle, eating well and exercising and so on – I noticed I was looking tired all the time and felt that my face was letting me down and just not reflecting the woman I felt like inside! I went for a consultation with Dr Fay and she recommended treating me with some dermal fillers. With the treatment, I wanted to look like myself – just better and fresher – I didn’t want any drastic changes. Having now had the treatment, I feel ten years younger! I was treated just before a holiday, so when I came back, I got lots of comments from people saying that I looked amazing – but they couldn’t tell that I’d had anything done, which was just what I wanted. Even my husband didn’t notice any big changes- he just says I look better in myself! It’s great – I still feel like me, just the best version of myself
- Noelia, GoogleI am so chuffed with my results, everyone I meet is saying things like ‘Oh my God, you are getting younger looking, though they can’t put their finger on what is different. The work is so clever and subtle yet I don’t have a single wrinkle. I don’t look as if I’ve been done! I just look better. Clinic staff are superb. Prices are typical however the quality of the work is excellent. Dr Fay is a fully trained medical doctor which gives you increased confidence should anything not go according to plan. I wouldn’t go anywhere else.
- Barbara, GoogleAs always, outstandingly professional and an extremely personable service. I would highly recommend Dr Lisa to anyone who is interested in a comprehensive friendly consult followed by a personalised and tailored treatment. You will be hard pressed finding a more competent specialist who has a genuine interest in her clients.
- Anthony, GoogleWhat a wonderful experience!
I had a consultation with Lisa in January regarding dermal fillers, which was invaluable in helping me understand the process and what I could realistically achieve.
I booked a date and returned last week for my fillers to be done. Lisa was so helpful and I really felt in the hands of a professional. Initially I thought about being very conservative with the fillers, but I felt real trust in Lisa and asked about increasing the volume from the original plan. Lisa suggested a slight increase, with a chance to review the results before deciding together if more were really necessary. This was the perfect approach and throughout the entire process I felt very well looked after. I would class Lisa, not only as an exemplary cosmetic and medical expert, but something of an artist too, based on the way she applied the fillers around the specifics of my face and with my goals in mind.
I would strongly recommend Lisa and, proving the point, I will be back again for skin care advice and filler maintenance in the very near future. Finally, I must mention that not only am I delighted with my results, with Lisa’s help and advice, but also with all of the staff. Everyone I dealt with was polite, helpful and a joy to engage with. I won’t be looking anywhere else for skin care in the future!
- Julie, GoogleHighly recommend. Lisa Fay is extremely honest and a consummate professional.
- Sarah, GoogleDr Lisa Faye is first class always listens to what you need as an individual could t recommend more! Gillian, Google
What causes Neck bands are usually due to the platysma muscle which with age separates resulting in vertical cords or bands appearing. Immediately under the skin of your neck is the platysma muscle which you can easily see in a mirror when you clench your teeth and tighten your jaw.
- Gillian, GoogleDr. Fay is professional and tailors your treatment to your needs whilst maintaining safety first. She is extremely attentive & I’ve never once been dissatisfied. I get treatment on my forehead & crows-feet to delay the ageing process. It honestly makes me feels so fabulous.
Contrary to old-fashioned beliefs, treating these areas does not change your face.
It simply eliminates lines and gives smoothness whilst delaying the process. It’s not just physical… it improves mood & gives so much confidence. After all, Beauty is both inside & out. She is extremely aware of guidelines and you’ll be very safe in her clinic.
Her staff are so friendly.
- Eithne, GoogleDr.Fay is professional and tailors your treatment to your needs whilst maintaining safety first.
She is extremely attentive & I’ve never once been dissatisfied.
I get treatment on my forehead & crows-feet to delay the ageing process. It honestly makes me feels so fabulous.
Contrary to old-fashioned beliefs, treating these areas does not change your face.
It simply eliminates lines and gives smoothness whilst delaying the process. It’s not just physical… it improves mood & gives so much confidence. After all, Beauty is both inside & out.
She is extremely aware of guidelines and you’ll be very safe in her clinic.
Her staff are so friendly.
I am absolutely delighted with the results Lisa gives me. I have been attending her for years now. I’ll never go anywhere else. Love the Clinic and love how much younger I look and how this makes me feel in my life. Holding onto my looks makes me feel more confident and gives me more choices. In and out in a flash. Painless and easy. I highly recommend Cosmetic Doctor Lisa Fay. Delighted and have never gone anywhere else.
- Jaed Olen, Google