Wrinkly Hands- Hand Rejuvenation
Ageing hands can give the game away and reflect your true age. Therefore it is important not to ignore your hands when considering rejuvenating treatments.
The Features of an Ageing Hand Explained:
The Signs of Hand Ageing are Two Fold.
- The ageing hand is characterised by loss of collagen resulting in prominent bones, tendons and bulging veins.
- Surface skin changes include solar lentigines (e.g. sun spots) and skin laxity. Skin texture becomes rougher and also signs of sun damage such as actinic or solar keratosis become visible.
Treatment options for ageing hands:
To address volume loss and collagen depletion treatment with hyaluronic acid (i.e. Restylane Vital), calcium hydroxapatetite (i.e. Radiesse) and Sculptra have been shown to work effecively.
In order to treat epidermal and dermal changes i.e. surface changes the following options have been shown to be effective:
- Chemical peels specifically TCA or Trichloracetic acid peels
- Laser treatments
- IPL treatments
Discover Hand Rejuvenation Treatment options by booking a professional consultation with our Doctor at CosmeticDoctor.ie, Slievemore Laser and Skincare Clinic, Stillorgan, Dublin. Contact 01 685 3100 to find out more.