
Is Adult Acne really acne, or another condition?

Acne is common during adolescence; most people suffer from it through their teens. For some, however, acne persists into adulthood- or can even appear in people who never had a major issue with it when they were younger. Adult Acne or Perioral Dermatitis? Acne vulgaris, better known as acne, read more

Acne Treatment gets the Blue Light

Clearing Up Acne with Blue Light Therapy Acne is one of the most common skin problems in Ireland today, and thankfully advances in medical technology mean there are now a number of effective treatments and procedures which can help those who suffer with acne vulgaris. Statistics indicate that between read more

Adult Acne Treatment with Aknetrol™

ZO Medical: Breakthrough Treatment for Adult Acne Sufferers of chronic adult acne now have cause to rejoice, thanks to ZO® Medical Therapeutic Solutions, the new medical grade skincare line by the renowned Dr. Zein Obagi. Using his 35 years’ experience in dermatological innovation, Dr. Obagi has created Aknetrol™ that read more

Treating Aging Skin at CosmeticDoctor

Skin Aging and Treatment Options As we age our skin requires different things- different skin care, treatments and procedures. Sometimes it can all seem like a minefield with so many options, when you walk into a department store there is so much choice for skin care. Often the consumer read more

Treating Acne with CEBATROL

CEBATROL by ZO Skin Health – Proven Acne Treatment Cebatrol is the answer to acne-sufferers’ prayers. It’s a highly effective, take-no-prisoners solution designed by Dr. Obagi to treat current acne and to prevent further outbreaks. Who can Use Cebatrol? It also works well on inflamed or rosacea-prone skin, but read more

Exfoliate Your Skin with Vitascrub

Vitascrub: Invigorating Foaming Scrub It’s important to exfoliate the skin regularly, particularly if natural skin cell turnover has slowed or is impeded by excess oil causing dead cells to clump together. A scrub like no other This invigorating foaming scrub sweeps away excess oil, dirt and impurities leaving skin read more

Get Help with Acne Scarring at Cosmetic Doctor

Scarring is one of the most difficult and lasting effects acne sufferers have to deal, and they can find it extremely challenging. The visible scars can cause low self-esteem and depending on the severity of the scarring, can be very difficult to cover up or disguise. Acne scarring can vary read more

Top Tips for an Acne Reducing Diet

While acne is caused by an overproduction of oil in the skin, there are steps one can take by incorporating a healthy diet to try and reduce the appearance of acne. An article published in the International Journal of Dermatology in 2009 provided some insight into the foods that read more

Adult Acne in Women

When you mention the word acne, it normally conjures up images of spotty, hormonal teenagers, when in fact adult acne is a very real skin condition that can be hugely detrimental to one’s lifestyle. Some adults can get acne well into their grown-up lives, even if they never suffered read more

Acne and Oil Production in the Skin

Acne is caused by overactive oil gland in the skin which combined with dead skin cells, bacteria and the pollutants the skin is exposed to in modern day living, can lead to inflamed sebaceous glands that cause very visible protrusions on the skin. Sebaceous glands are responsible for the read more