
Laser Hair removal prices in Dublin

Check out our special offers, we have some of the best laser hair removal prices in Dublin and you are getting the ‘Gold standard’ treatment! read more

Laser Hair treatments and skin of Colour

Many patients with dark skin often enquire about laser hair removal; they have often been given misinformation about their skin type and the use of lasers. Whilst most of the information they have been given is accurate, often they have been led to believe that there is no options read more

Treat your Bikini Line with Laser Hair Removal

There are several locations where you can get laser hair removal, but it’s a process that should only be administered by a skilled; trained laser technician. Cosmetic Doctor is a doctor-led clinic, operating a Laser Suite with high quality, medical grade equipment. Your hair and skin type must be read more

Bikini Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is without a doubt the most effective long-term solution to unwanted hair all over the body, and it is particularly effective on the delicate skin around the bikini area. Cosmetic Doctor Dublin operate a Laser Suite with a variety of laser devices that can treat a read more

Victoria Beckham and Eva Longoria fans of Laser Hair Removal

Style queen Victoria Beckham recently revealed just one of her grooming tips, and it something that you don’t need to have her millions to do. She spoke in an Allure magazine about ditching her razor and switching to laser to keep her legs permanently free of fuzz. Speaking about read more

Laser Hair Removal and Tanned Skin

Can I get Laser Hair Removal if I have a Tan? It’s not recommended, simply because laser works best on dark hair against light skin. This is because laser light seeks the dark pigment, melanin, in the hair shaft and travels down it to destroy the hair follicle in read more

Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Dublin

Things No-one ever tells you about Ageing and Excess Hair The ageing process makes us think of a battle against lines and wrinkles, but why are you suddenly noticing more hair on your face? As women get older, our bodies lose oestrogen. The male hormone testosterone surges a bit; read more

Treating Hair and Skin Problems caused by PCOS

Cosmetic Doctor in Dublin has a state-of-the-art laser clinic, and many patients who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) come to see Dr. Lisa Fay to address their excess hair. PCOS is an endocrine disorder that affects around 10% of Irish women. Many have been prescribed specific medication, often read more

Laser Hair Removal Prices in Dublin

Laser hair removal is the most effective way to treat unwanted hair, men and women are turning to this option more and more each year. Last year over 200,000 people in Ireland had laser hair removal, making it one of the most popular treatments. At cosmetic doctor we use read more

Top 5 Laser Hair Removal Myths

Laser hair removal is fast becoming a very popular procedure And is the norm as part of your routine beauty regimen. Often there are many myths and common misbeliefs which may affect your decision to proceed with your treatment. Here, I will outline what is true and false in read more

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