
Frown lines

Frown lines (also known as ‘glabeller lines’) are one of the most noticeable signs of aging, becoming evident in the mid-thirties. The aging process literally hits you right between the eyes. Glabeller lines appear as vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. They can look like the number ‘11’ and first start appearing when we’re tired, stressed or concentrating.


Anti-Wrinkle injections soften lines and wrinkles resulting in a more relaxed and rested appearance. The aim is a natural relaxed look rather than a “startled” or “frozen” one.

Procedure time
15 mins
Back to normal
Recovery time
24 hrs
Duration of results
3-4 months
Discomfort level
No. of treatments
Cost from

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What causes frown lines?

In our 20’s, the two major muscles that control brow movement are very flexible, springing back into place after squinting or frowning. As we age, however, the muscles in the forehead (the ‘corrugator’ and ‘procerus’ muscles) become weaker and less resilient; losing elasticity. This leads to the deep ‘number 11’ glabeller lines in the middle of your forehead being present even when your face is at rest, making you look angry, stressed and old.

The primary muscles responsible for controlling facial movement in this area are:

  • Procerus muscle: this small muscle, in the shape of a pyramid, is at the top of the nose. It can accentuate the appearance of glabeller lines.
  • Corrugator supercilii muscle: this muscle is underneath the eyebrows-it’s the main frown muscle.

How do anti-wrinkle injections work?

As these glabeller or frown lines are mainly caused by movement of the aforementioned muscles, one of the most effective ways of getting rid of glabeller lines is to use a substance to temporarily paralyse the muscle movement, which makes the frown lines relax.

Muscle Relaxing treatments are affordable and gives very satisfactory results. Proper placement of the injectable is key, which is why the procedure must be performed by a doctor or dentist who understands the underlying musculature of the face.

Effects will last between 3-4 months before the effects gradually wear off; depending on the patient. The procedure is quick, painless and is known as a ‘lunchtime procedure’, as you can go straight back to your normal activities.

Why muscle relaxers work so well on those ‘Number 11’ frown lines

Muscle Relaxers are injected into the facial muscle and blocks the nerve impulse that causes the muscle to contract. The muscle activity that causes the frown lines is reduced and the wrinkle on the overlying skin is released – this is because without a contracting muscle beneath it, the skin has a difficult time wrinkling.

Muscle Relaxers are particularly effective in relieving the frown lines between the brows (glabellar lines) which when left unchecked can make us look a bit cross and have a very ageing effect. Injection in this area also has the added benefit of raising the brow slightly; lifting the skin over the eye giving the appearance of looking well-rested and awake while combatting the ageing effects of gravity (most women notice the skin over their eyes starts to sag-very noticeable whilst applying eye makeup).


Can frown lines be filled?

In theory yes this is possible, however dermal fillers in this area is a risky procedure. Therefore, Muscle Relaxing treatments are preferable. This is because of you have many important arteries in this area and incorrect placement of dermal fillers may obstruct them leading to serious complications and permanent damage.
At Dr Lisa Fay Rooms, we treat pesky frown lines with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

What are the benefits of frown line treatment?

Many of our patients have found that after treatment as the muscles are relaxed, they look fresher like they have returned from a holiday. In addition, Muscle Relaxing treatments are preventative meaning that over time they will prevent deep lines and wrinkles becoming etched on your face.

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