
Heliocare® Sunscreen

Why should we worry about UV light and how can we get the best protection?

UV light and sun damage are always a hot topic at this time of year, as thousands of fair-skinned Irish holiday makers jet off to sunnier climes to get a bit of colour.

Realistically speaking, we all look better with a bit of a tan- but what price does our skin pay for this bronzed glow, and how can we avoid the risks of serious sun damage and skin cancer?

Sunlight is essential for life but over-exposure and lack of protection from it is the undoubtedly the greatest challenge facing our skin.


Photo-ageing caused by exposure to the sun, even in rainy Ireland- causes lines and wrinkles, a lack of elasticity and tightness, areas of hyperpigmentation and brown marks (often called ‘sunspots’); blemishes and a duller complexion.

Worse than merely looking older, our delicate skin can also be prone to skin cancers and solar keratoses.

Sun or photo-damage is caused by ultraviolet radiation (UV) in the forms of UVA and UVB.


UVA makes up 95% of UV; it penetrates deep into the dermis and damages skin, even on cloudy days and in winter- and yes; even in Ireland.

UVA accelerates ageing of the skin as it triggers free radicals, which damage collagen, elastin and the underlying skin architecture.

It also causes pigmentation problems, and most seriously UVA reduces the skins natural defence mechanisms can actually damages DNA within skin cells, which can lead to skin cancer.


UVB only penetrates the upper epidermal layer of the skin and is more prevalent on sunny days and during the summer.

It tans the skin but can rapidly cause reddening and burning, particularly in fair skinned Irish people, many of whom have a Fitzpatrick Type I skin – very pale and doesn’t tan.

UVB can also trigger skin reactions and regular over exposure can lead to a thicker more “leathery” appearance of the skin; which is noticeable even after one holiday away in the sun- you’ll notice tanned skin seems thicker and loses its lustre.

Most seriously, UVB epidermal skin damage reduces the skins natural defence mechanisms; damages DNA within skin cells and a combination of over exposure and lack of UVB protection has been demonstrated to be the most common cause of skin cancer.

Year round protection with clinically proven Heliocare Range

We need to protect skin all year round to reduce the impact of photo ageing; to maintain and improve our skin health and we need an everyday solution to UV protection.

Cosmetic Doctor Dublin recommend the Heliocare® range to their patients. The scientifically researched and clinically proven products are a great way to ensure you have the peace of mind of a clinically advanced UV protection; there are a number of products in the range and it is ideal even for acne-prone skin.

For further details on the Heliocare® range call Cosmetic Doctor on 01 685 3100.

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