It is now possible to treat thinning lips and achieve a natural looking pout with products such as Emervel Lips and Juvederm Smile. Fabulous lips are now possible!
As a cosmetic doctor, a lot of women who attend my clinic are afraid of lip fillers. There is a perception that lip fillers will give you a trout pout. It is surprising how often I hear ” I do not want to look like Lesley Ash”. What people do not understand is that lip treatments which are subtle and natural are achievable. Often a small amount of dermal filler in the body of the lip and cupids bow can make a huge difference to thinning lips. A good lip augmentation procedure is one where lips are not overfilled and no one would know that your lips have been treated.
Hyaluronic acid products e.g. Emervel Lips or Juvederm Smile allow cosmetic doctors to offer lip treatments which are long-lasting, non-permanent and safe. In addition there is no risk of an allergic reaction. These products are soft and natural.
Emervel lip and Juvederm Smile result in less swelling when compared with other hyaluronic acids on the market. In addition the effects last approximately nine months sometimes even up to twelve months.
Previously, clients would have to hide away for a few days after lip enhancement procedures. With the advent of these new products and newer techniques using cannulae, down time is significantly reduced. One can have their lips treated and return to work the next day which is fantastic.
Emervel Lip and Juvederm Smile contain local anaesthetic to maximise your comfort during Lip augmentation treatments.
In summary, luscious lips are possible which look natural and fit your overall appearance.
Dr. Fay advocates subtle treatments where you look better and rejuvenated without changing your appearance. Dr.fay offers a wide range of dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle treatments at cosmeticdoctor, Slievemore Clinic, Stillorgan.
The Perfect Pout with Cosmetic Doctor in Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
For further details on lip enhancement phone 01 685 3100.