
Frown Lines Treatment

A study led by Dr. Michael Lewis of the School of Psychology in Cardiff, Wales, followed 25 people who had received botox treatments for facial lines and wrinkles.

The idea behind the study was to find out if the expressions we make- smiling; frowning, etc. – can actually impact the way we feel.

Facial Feedback

This concept of ‘facial feedback’ is not a new one, as a number of previous studies found that treatment of frown lines sometimes left patients feeling less depressed.

In 2006, Dr. Eric Finzi and Dr. Erika Wasserman reported in Dermatologic Surgery that treating clinically depressed patients with Botox on their frown lines actually got rid of their depression. (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/43776.php).

Another study in 2009 showed that botulinum toxin treatment applied to the central frown lines- the glabellar lines, between the eyebrows-actually stopped the activation of some specific brain activities that would usually happen when people frown deliberately.

The impact of frowning on the brain

The interesting implication is that feedback from the facial muscles in this area is connected with the processing of emotions.

More recently the Psychiatric University Hospital in Switzerland and the Medical School of Hannover in Germany conducted a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial.

The authors concluded for the first time that a single botulinum treatment of the glabellar region with could reduce the symptoms of major depression.

This effect developed within few weeks and persisted until the end of the sixteen-week follow-up period. The effect sizes in the study were large, and the response and rates were high.

There’s a lot to be said for positive thinking, and these studies make us think about the benefits of ‘looking’ positive too.

If you’d like a detailed consultation to find out what you can do about your frown lines-or any other facial lines that concern you, you can make an appointment with Cosmetic Doctor in Dublin by calling 01 685 3100.

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