
One of the primary concerns people have when getting dermal filler treatments is post-procedural bruising. It’s quite common with pale Irish skin, especially when using a needle.

However, Dr. Fay prefers to use a microcannula as the most advanced way of administering dermal filler, which helps to minimise bruising and has a variety of other advantages.

As minimally invasive cosmetic facial procedures began to get very popular throughout the world, doctors researched ways to provide the patient with the least painful techniques possible and with the fewest complications, particularly bruising and ecchymosis (discolouration under the skin caused by bleeding).

One of the goals is to minimise downtime after a procedure, so the less bruising and swelling, the better.

The difference between a needle and a cannula

A needle has a sharp tip, will cut through whatever tissues you put it into. It can’t discriminate between structures- it just goes right through everything in its path.

A cannula is a hollow, blunt-tipped device, which allows the doctor to ‘feel’ internal structures under the skin, as the cannula meets resistance from them.

It’s a more discriminating way of injecting dermal filler into areas of the face, as the doctor can find a clear pathway through the tissues, avoiding veins.

A cannula is also longer than a needle, which allows the doctor to reach more areas through a single entry point than she could with a needle. Fewer entry points and a clearer pathway through the tissues means less bruising; less discomfort; a more exact administration and reduced downtime.

Advantages of the cannula

Microcannulae give a smoother finish, with a more even distribution of dermal filler, so the aesthetic outcome is better. Using one allows Dr. Fay to perform treatment on all areas of the face such as nasolabial folds, cheeks, marionette lines, lips, and jowl areas, as well as for nasal augmentation (“liquid rhinoplasty”), temple injections, rejuvenation of the hands, and scar treatment.

To put the cannula in, a needle is used to make the injection point only. Thereafter the filler is put into the skin through the cannula and massaged into place as appropriate for the most natural looking, subtle results.

The blunt-tipped cannula allows blood vessels to ‘bounce off’ the tip rather than be pierced as they would be with a needle.

You need far fewer entrance ‘pokes’ which is not only more comfortable, but it reduces the length of time the procedure takes. The cannula is particularly good for tear trough injections as it allows them to be administered deep to the muscle to avoid the filler from showing in a ‘Tyndall Effect’, a blue-ish tint that shows on the skin surface.

Not all areas are suitable for a cannula- for example, the vermillion border around the lips- but Dr. Fay will explain what she is doing so that you feel comfortable, secure and informed.

To find out more call Cosmetic Doctor on 01 685 3100.

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