
Restylane - The ‘Natural’ Dermal Filler

There is now an entire family of Restylane products, tailored for use by a skilled cosmetic doctor, like Dr. Lisa Fay at Cosmetic Doctor

Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by the body, so it is accepted into the skin without any adverse reactions.

Restylane uses synthesised hyaluronic acid to mimic that made by the body, in order to visibly reduce moderate to severe facial lines, wrinkles and folds. The fact that it is entirely biocompatible with the human body means it works well and then over time gets broken down naturally.
The safety profile of Restylane injectable gel is excellent-it has over a decade of use and over 15 million treatments in more than 65 countries worldwide.
There are a few cases in which Restylane should not be used, which is one of the reasons Cosmetic Doctor conducts a thorough assessment on each and every patient before commencing any treatment program.

When should Restylane not be used?

As a general rule, Restylane is not indicated for the following:

  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Those who have recently been on or are currently taking medications to thin the blood or to prevent clotting
  • People with bad allergies, particularly to microorganisms known as ‘gram-positive’ bacteria’
  • People with any kind of bleeding or clotting disorders
  • If you have any cysts, sores, rashes, pimples, hives or infection at any of the sites where Dr. Fay would be injecting the dermal filler, she will defer treatment to a later date as product use could delay healing of these blemishes, or make the skin problems worse.

It’s important to give a complete medical background when you have your initial consultation with Cosmetic Doctor to ensure you embark on the best, most suitable treatment plan and procedures for you.

What to Expect After Restylane Treatment

It is not a source of undue concern to see a minor degree of swelling, redness, bruising or experience mild tenderness.

If you do have any of these issues they should resolve in less than 7 days (in naso-labial folds running from the nose to mouth) and less than 14 days in the case of lips.

To avoid bruising and bleeding, you should not use the products if you have recently used drugs that thin your blood or prevent clotting.