
If you’re in any doubt about the effects of sun damage to your face, simply compare the skin of a less-commonly exposed body part to that of your face.

The signs of accumulated damage become far more evident as we age, and even though we don’t have blazing sunshine in Ireland, exposure to UV light in general leaves an unattractive legacy, in the form of dark spots, blotches, freckling, broken capillaries and redness.

Dr. Lisa Fay and her staff at Slievemore Clinic have many anti-aging treatments to choose from, and often use IPL Photorejuvenation to help patients achieve more evenly- toned, healthier skin. It will take years off you.

What is IPL / Intense Pulsed Light?

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. It’s administered using a hand- held device that pulses specific wavelengths of light deep into the skin. This treats brown and red pigments, and also stimulates the production of collagen.

IPL Photorejuvenation uses light pulses in a process known as ‘photothermolysis’. This means that the concentrated light gets absorbed by cells that have excessive melanin (dark pigment) and is converted to heat, targeting those specific cells while leaving the surrounding, lighter skin undamaged. The cells containing the darker pigment then move up to the surface of the skin and slough off.

What conditions can be treated with IPL Photorejuvenation?

IPL will improve skin tone and texture in a variety of conditions, including

  • Diffuse redness, red scarring, and rosacea
  • Uneven and blotchy skin
  • Flat pigmented lesions like freckles and sunspots
  • Telangiectasia (spider veins, broken capillaries)
  • Poikiloderma (a spotty, pigmented red look on the neck or décolletage)
  • Campbell de Morgan spots- little red spots of varying size, aka cherry angiomas

IPL will also improve skin firmness and pore size, as it stimulates collagen production which plumps the skin, making it look more dewy and youthful.

The treatment is simple and non-invasive. You’ll be given eyewear to protect your eyes from the bright light, and a cooling gel is applied to your face before the smooth glass surface of the IPL handpiece is put against the skin. Clients say the slight stinging sensation is like a tiny rubber band snapping; only a mild discomfort.

Why are multiple treatments necessary?

The number of treatments you have will depend on which condition you are targeting; usually an average of 3 – 6 treatments is recommended.

The results can last for up to a year, but you should take care to protect your skin from the sun-and even though we don’t see a lot of sunshine here in Ireland, remember that you must always take steps to protect your skin with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) product.

Don’t tan-either real OR fake-before treatment, as this will affect how the laser behaves on your skin. Call Slievemore Clinic for details on 01 685 3100.

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