
What are Glycolic Acid Peels?

Glycolic acids started to gain popularity in skincare when it was observed by their inventors (Drs Van Scott and Dr. Yu, creators of Neostrata) to have positive effects on the skin, over time the Neostrata Company developed the product for use in peels. The peels used in our clinic are Neostrata peels and we have found them to be very effective. We recommend that our clients pursue a course of peels at least once a year to keep their skin refined and refreshed and keep the signs of ageing at bay.

What are glycolic acid peels?

Glycolic acid peels use a natural sugar acid on your skin. They are not ‘chemical’ face peels, they are not aggressive and have no downtime after treatment. The peels used in our clinics are ‘unbuffered’ which means that they are not diluted down in potency. These peels can only be performed in medical clinics, so you know you are getting a superior treatment to a chemical peel at home.

How do they work?

Glycolic acid peels are of a lower PH than skin (they are lower in acidity than skin) this means that when we apply the product to your skin, it penetrates through the top layers quickly, It works in these layers to dissolve the fatty bonds which hold our dead skin cells together, Glycolic acid peels encourage the exfoliation of these dead skin cells. We leave the peel on the skin only for a period of minutes. We then ‘neutralise’ the skin, which means we use a solution of sodium bicarbonate suspended in water to return the skin to its natural PH and this renders the peel inactive. We then cleanse and cool your skin.

Are they painful?

Glycolic acid peels should never be painful, when performed by an experienced practitioner – like the practitioners here at the Slievemore clinic- you should only experience mild tingling and some patients report a mild itch. We are also constantly monitoring the skin for changes. We find the peels to be very well tolerated by most patients.

Does my skin Peel?

The name Glycolic acid peel is somewhat misleading, in fact your skin does not peel- we are merely exfoliating the dead skin cells away, in fact we are merely speeding up a natural process undertaken by our skin on a regular basis, this makes the peels safe and effective. Some patients do report that their skin becomes flaky after a peel, this can happen and it will resolve over a few days. This will subside as your skin acclimatises to the glycolic acid products. But it is nothing to worry about!

What do I need to do after my peel?

After your peel you should;

  • Avoid hot baths and showers
  • Avoid touching the skin
  • Avoid excessive exercise
  • Apply glycolic acid products to the skin
  • Avoid picking of scratching the skin if it becomes flaky

Who should have glycolic acid peels?

The short answer is everyone! We can all benefit from removing the dead skin cells from our skin. Although like every treatment they may not be suitable for everyone, but your practitioner here at the Slievemore clinic will discuss this with you if you feel that you are not suitable for the treatment.

We use glycolic acid peels for the treatment of:

  • Aged skin
  • Photo damaged skin
  • Acne prone skin
  • Excessively dry skin
  • Thickened skin
  • Prior to a course of IPL/ laser vein or laser skin treatments ( 2 weeks before)
  • Acne scarred skin
  • Uneven skin tones
  • Dull/tired skins
  • Patients with fine lines and wrinkles
  • For effective skin rejuvenation

As you can see the peels are of benefit to most people.

How many peels should I have?

We recommend a course of four peels to see the optimum benefit. During the course of your treatments, we will start you with a lower percentage peel and work you up to the higher percentage peels, as your skin becomes accustomed to glycolic acids. It can take up to one week to see the benefit of your peel.

How far apart should the treatments be?

We advise you have to have your peels ten days to two weeks apart, as there is no downtime you can go about your daily routine right after your peel- in fact they make a great lunch time treatment as they are so fast to perform!

By the end of your course of treatment, your skin will look smoother and more refined. You will notice your complexion is clearer and fresher. Glycolic peels are €65 each, or we offer a package of four peels for €200 (a saving of €60!) We are currently offering a complimentary glycolic peel with treatments with Dr. Fay over €300

Call Slievemore clinic today to avail of our current special offers!