
Do you want to improve your overall appearance?

How to Improve Your Appearance

Many of us want to look fresher, more youthful but do not know where to start. This does not involve the use of Botox or dermal fillers alone. If you want to genuinely look better, a comprehensive approach should be taken to your anti- ageing regimen. This starts with a proper anti- ageing assessment. You need to attend an experiened doctor to get the correct advice and this should involve a photographic assessment including UV light examination. UV light examination depicts sun damage under the skin, not visible to the naked eye yet. Once the issues are identified then a treatment plan can be put in place.
This assessment should address your skin texture and tone, lines and wrinkles, volume loss particularly in the mid face or cheeks.

Full Face Rejuvenation at CosmeticDoctor

Full facial rejuvenation involves a series of cosmetic treatments from effective medical grade skin care (cosmeceuticals), chemical peels, botox injections, dermal fillers and intracel skin tightening using radiofrequency which results in skin rejuvenation without surgery.

Full face rejuvenation can significantly improve facial lines and wrinkles, remove the signs of sun damage and pigmentation and correct any volume loss and skin sagging.

Medical Grade Skin Care Products

This can be achieved using chemical peels (glycolic or TCA peels), botulinum toxin and dermal fillers. This global approach to rejuvenation can be achieved in a single session or over multiple sessions.
Healthy skin without pigmentation makes you look more youthful and beautiful. A good skin care regimen is the key to this. At CosmeticDoctor we recommend ZO Skin Health and ZO Medical products or Obagi Nu Derm skin care lines. These medical grade skin care products can only be obtained through a medical clinic. To maintain and enhance the effects of your skincare range, chemical peels can work wonders. Chemical peels are not as frightening as they sound and have been around since Egyptian times. They help to stimulate collagen stimulation and eliminate skin imperfections a blemishes.

IPL Treatments for Facial Redness and Broken Veins

If facial redness or broken veins are your main complaint, a few sessions of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) will do the trick to even out your skin tone.

Frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections or Botox. Finally, sagging skin, volume loss, thinning lips, deep nose to mouth lines, marionette or sad lines can be treated with dermal fillers. Intracel, the new kid on the block is a revolutionary treatment using needling and radiofrequency to stimulate collagen production and tighten loose skin. It is very effective in treating open pores, fine lines and wrinkles, jowls, loose neck skin and even old acne scars. This strategy involves an overall approach using all of our anti-ageing tools available to us as doctors to give you the best result possible.

Contact CosmeticDoctor to find out more about full facial rejuvenation and to schedule an appointment. Phone 01 685 3100.

Associated links:

Botox injections
Dermal fillers
Chemical peels
ZO skincare

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