
Skin Rejuvenation in Stillorgan, Co. Dublin

The number of anti-ageing procedures available these days continues to grow making it confusing for the consumer to decide which particular treatment warrants attention.

A person’s face loses its luminance with age due to the natural ageing process that can be exacerbated by lifestyle and environmental factors such as smoking, UV exposure and skin damage from conditions such as acne.

When it comes to reversing the effects of ageing, procedures may involve fractional lasers or a process using radiofrequency energy, such as micro-needling.

INTRAcel uses micro-needling and more

Available exclusively in Ireland at Cosmetic Doctor, INTRAcel is a hand-held, multi-functional device that uses insulated micro-needles that are approximately the same thickness as a strand of fine hair, to puncture the surface of the skin to reach the dermis.

The dermis is the secondary layer of the skin beneath the epidermis, or outer layer and contains the all-important structural protein collagen, responsible for firm skin with a youthful appearance.

Micro-needling sends radiofrequency waves into the dermis which denatures the cells and prompts the body to regenerate collagen.

Structure of the needles

When inserted into the surface of the skin, the micro-needle makes a 1.2mm hole. The entire needle is insulated bar 0.3mm at the tip where the radiofrequency energy is emitted.

Due to this specific structure, INTRAcel is able to radiate thermal energy only to the targeted area without causing any heat damage to the upper layer of skin.

Use of Fractional Laser Alone

Fractional lasers produce micro laser beams that penetrate the skin to cause a controlled wounding and stimulate dermal and epidermal recovery.

How the skin interacts with laser depends on the depth of the procedure/target area.

Because a laser beam penetrates in the shape of an inverted triangle, it is likely to cause more damage to the epidermis, the deeper the target area is into the skin.

What makes micro-needling the better option?

With laser or fractional laser treatments, the main drawbacks relate to their difficulties and limitations to treat deeply into the dermis layer without causing excessive damage to the epidermis.

INTRAcel utilizes the principle of micro-needling so that areas of the face showing signs of ageing or affected by scarring can be selectively treated.

What can a patient expect with INTRAcel?

Patients receive a comfortable treatment with the use of a powerful topical anesthetic before the procedure begins.

The needles penetrate the skin to deliver a wave of radiofrequency thermal energy, with the process only taking a fraction of a second from insertion to emission.

Recovery time is minimal with the patient experiencing some redness and slight swelling afterwards. This will subside in a day or two.

INTRAcel results

INTRAcel and the innovative use of micro-needling achieve long-lasting, excellent results. Depending on the needs of the patient’s individual skin requirements, it is suggested that a course of 3-5 treatments is undertaken over a number of months.

For more details call Cosmetic Doctor on 01 685 3100 or visit the Intracel Skin Rejuvenation page.

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